Hello folks,
Oh, I'm so excited....WHAT A GREAT DAY this has been so far! I have been lucky enough to receive the Liebster Award from the lovely, talented Vicki from Sunshine Crafts . Thank you so much Vicki - you have really made my day! It's wonderful to know that other crafters appreciate and acknowlege my creations. Thank you also to everyone who has chosen to follow my blog and I'm grateful for the lovely comments folks take the time to leave.
Here's what to do on receiving your Award
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste their blog award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve recognition.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
Here are my five blogs I've chosen to pass this along to. They are in no particular order.
Tammy at Tammy's Spot
Debora at Dragon Wings And Fairy Things
Judith Hall at What I Did....and what I did next
NWilliams at What's on My Kitchen Counter
Shazza at Time To CraftThank you once again Vicki, who gave me this award. Hugs, Pat K
Goodness, what an honor! Thank you!!
thank you so much x
Pat - aren't you so sweet! I love that you thought of me for this award. I adore your blog and would pick you to give this award to if you didn't already receive it! Hugz and you are so sweet!!!!!
Congrats on your award....I LOVE the card you made for Lauren!!!!!
Hi Pat -I couldn't beleive that I hadn't left a comment on your blog after you had nominated me for the award - had a bit of a manic week this week and think my brain wasn't in gear!! - anyway thank you so much it is so sweet of you and I am flattered that you thought of me and honoured to accept your award Hugs Judith x
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